Paimio Sanatorium
尺寸:3000 x 3800
下载所需积分: 5
Paimio 疗养院坐落在芬兰西南部的树林中,距图尔库市约 29 公里。 这项工作是在 60 年代的综合医院中开发的,这是 1929 年赢得比赛的结果,阿尔托年仅 30 岁。疗养院的功能显然采用了阿尔托的典型建筑,非常人性化的方法,超出了技术能力,并且在 其元素的细节。
Nestled in the woods in southwestern Finland, about 29km from the city of Turku, is the Paimio Sanatorium. Developed in the 60’s in general hospital, this work was the result of a competition won in 1929, Aalto was 30. The Sanatorium, functional clearly has a very human approach typical of Aalto’s architecture that goes beyond the technical capabilities and that is mostly felt in the detail of its elements.