Paimio Sanatorium

尺寸:2000 x 1333
下载所需积分: 5
Paimio Sanatorium 是由建筑师 Alvar Aalto 设计的位于芬兰西南部Paimio的前肺结核疗养院。 该建筑于 1932 年完工,不久后在芬兰和国外均获得了好评。 直到 1960 年代初,这座建筑被改建为综合医院之前,一直专门用作结核病疗养院。 今天,该建筑是图尔库大学医院的一部分。 疗养院被提名成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。
Paimio Sanatorium is a former tuberculosis sanatorium in Paimio, Southwest Finland, designed by architect Alvar Aalto. The building was completed in 1932, and soon after received critical acclaim both in Finland and abroad. The building served exclusively as a tuberculosis sanatorium until the early 1960s, when it was converted into a general hospital. Today the building is part of the Turku University Hospital. The sanatorium was nominated to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.