The Rose Apartments

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这座新的 LEED Gold 四层、35 单元的玫瑰混合用途 100% 经济适用住房公寓为过渡期年轻人提供了住所。当孩子们“年满” 18 岁并被迫离开青少年设施时,大多数人因为没有地方可去而最终流落街头。Rose 公寓为这些年轻成年人提供了一个家,否则他们可能会流落街头。该建筑位于一个无需汽车的地方。它位于 Whole Foods、7 Eleven、自助洗衣店、Lincoln 五金店等一系列便利设施的对面,距离海滩仅有七个街区,毗邻威尼斯富有异国风情的 Rose 大道上的时尚商店和餐馆。建筑设计灵感来自附近的 Horatio Court,由 Irving Gill 于 1919 年建造,围绕一个架空的庭院设计,庭院上方是地面商业空间。庭院式住宅在洛杉矶已存在了一百多年。它促进了面向行人的社区,作为扩展的替代方案,在项目中心创造了可用空间,而不是在建筑体积之外的未使用的空间。根据洛杉矶保护协会的保护总监 Ken Bernstein 的说法,许多在 1950 年之前建造的庭院公寓,特别是在好莱坞和西好莱坞,是对本土建筑的一种探索,它试图创造邻里关系。与其他多住户住宅相比,庭院公寓“让你感觉自己属于一个地方。”对于住在庭院周围的人们来说,这个空间提供了安全和隐私感;庭院是一个准公共空间,调解着家与街道之间的关系。

提供庇护和舒适,Rose 公寓摒弃了典型的防御性邻里公寓大楼,采用了一个被雕刻和提升的中央庭院,成为社区的一座灯塔,通过淡化私人空间来庆祝社交空间。策略性的窗户、有目的的外部通道以及包裹最外层边缘的单元,将 35 个低收入公寓定位到空间上相隔一定距离但在视觉上与对方和楼下的街道相连接的社交空间。

庭院只是成功设计的一个方面。Rose 公寓在南加州住房类型的基础上进行了创新,但与早期传统建筑不同,它更为个性化——在提高安全性、隐私性和开放性的同时,与建筑墙外的整个社区相连接。通过为过渡时期的年轻人提供经济适用房,它使非开发商能够利用加利福尼亚州议会议员 AB763 号法案获得更大的高度和密度,将项目密度从区域平均值 12.30/DU/A 增加到每英亩 110 个单位以上。这种急需的经济适用房为城市中富人居住的地区提供了贫困和弱势人口的住房,其中低工资工人至关重要,但无力支付居住费用。它还为洛杉矶急需的经济适用房提供了供应不足的房源。

与以前的许多传统庭院结构一样,Rose 公寓的主要外部材料是常用的外部水泥石膏。然而,在 Rose,墙壁被弄成了凹凸有致、凸显质感的形式,这是经济适用住房项目通常所缺乏的。这些墙壁还包括表面施加的闪光颗粒,使立面在人们经过时闪烁。阳光和明亮的照明条件使立面在短短几秒钟内变得柔软而银白。这是一种迅速移动的现象,根据一天中的时间弯曲光线并投下阴影。

This new LEED Gold four-story 35-unit Rose mixed-use 100% affordable apartment structure for transitional aged youths. When kids “term out” as they say when they turn 18 years old and are forced to leave a youth facility, most wind up living on the street because there is no place for them to go. Rose Apartments provides a home to this young adult who would otherwise be living on the street. The building is located where no car is needed. It is situated directly across the street from Whole Foods, 7 Eleven, a laundromat, Lincoln Hardware and a host of other amenities and is just seven blocks from the beach, adjacent to the toney shops and restaurants on the eclectic Rose Avenue in Venice. Taking cues from the nearby Horatio Court, built in 1919 by Irving Gill, the building is designed around an elevated courtyard above ground level commercial space. The courtyard typology has existed in Los Angeles for more than a hundred years. It promotes pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods as an alternative to sprawl, creating usable space in the center of the project, instead of unused, leftover space outside of the building volume. According to Ken Bernstein, director of preservation for the Los Angeles Conservancy, a lot of the courtyard apartments build prior to the 1950s, especially in Hollywood and West Hollywood, were part of a search for indigenous architecture,” he says, as much as an attempt to create neighborliness. More than any other multi-dwelling housing, courtyard apartments, “make you feel like you belong to a place.” For people living around the courtyard, the space provides a sense of safety and privacy; the courtyard is a quasi-public space that mediates between the home and the street. Offering shelter and comfort, Rose Apartments eschews the typical neighborhood defensive apartment buildings with solid walls and fences in favor of a carved-out and raised central court, a beacon in the neighborhood that celebrates social space by de-emphasizing private space. Strategically placed windows, purposeful exterior circulation and units that wrap the outer-most edges, orient the 35 low-income apartments to social spaces that are spatially apart, yet visually connected to each other and the street below.

The courtyard is only one aspect of a successful design. Rose Apartments builds on this southern California housing typology, but unlike those earlier traditional buildings, it is more idiosyncratic - creating increased security, privacy and openness, while connecting to the greater community outside the building walls. By including affordable housing for transitional aged youths, it allowed the non-developer to take advantage of California State Assembly Bill AB763 for increased height and density, increasing the project density from an area average of 12.30/DU/A to more than 110 units/acre. This much needed affordable housing provides poor and disadvantaged populations housing in an affluent area of town where low-wage workers are critical but unable to afford to live. It also contributes to much needed affordable housing stock in short supply in Los Angeles. Like many of the traditional courtyard structures before, the main exterior material at Rose Apartments is commonly used exterior cement plaster. However, at Rose walls are scalloped to give depth, relief and texture, an issue that affordable housing projects typically suffer. These walls also include surface applied sparkle grain that makes the facades shimmer as people pass by. Sunlight and bright lighting conditions make the façade go soft and silver in just a few seconds. It’s a quick-moving phenomenon that bends light and casts shadows depending on the time of day.

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