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☉ 阿利坎特会议中心是 Baile Menduiña 为阿利坎特市政府在 2024 年提出的方案。该项目位于西班牙阿利坎特的海滨环境中。规模较大,面积为 27,800 平方米,预算为 65,000,000 欧元,单位成本为 2,338 欧元/平方米。主要材料为金属和混凝土。项目探讨了色彩爆发、中庭、折叠立面、自然开口和厚立面等概念。评审了同一竞赛的另外三个提案。

该提案旨在为阿利坎特市建立一个新的会议中心。选定的地点是一块位于阿利坎特港 9 号和 A 码头之间的土地,面向 7 号码头。这个位置既带来了挑战,也提供了机遇,给城市公共空间的扩展带来了可能性,同时将其与现有地标如标志性海滨长廊整合在一起。公共设施越来越不仅仅是功能性的空间,它们还成为社交互动、公民参与和共享目标的中心。因此,项目力求采用一种独特的建筑设计方法,使其与周围环境和谐共存,并在用户、周边环境与阿利坎特市之间形成协同效应。周边环境包括诸如位于西侧的海事理工学院、大型购物中心以及新建的数字区建筑。在这多样的建筑群中,新的会议中心将补充港区的功能。此外,会议中心将作为文化和知识活动的核心枢纽,促进阿利坎特多元化社区内的协作与知识交流。它配备了最先进的设施和灵活的活动空间,旨在吸引国际会议和展览,提升阿利坎特作为商业和学术首选目的地的声誉。这一战略举措预计将推动城市经济增长,并巩固其在地中海地区会议和会展领域中的重要地位。

☉ Alicante Congress Centre is a proposal by Baile Menduiña for Ayuntamiento de Alicante in 2024. It is located in Alicante Spain in a seaside setting. Its scale is large with a surface of 27.800 sqm a budget of 65.000.000 € and a ratio of 2.338 €/sqm. Key materials are metal and concrete. Concepts such as color explosion atrium folded facade nature opening and thick facade are explored. Review the 3 proposals for the same competition.

This proposal aims to establish a new Congress Centre in the city of Alicante. The chosen site is a plot of land located between docks 9 and A, facing dock 7 of the Port of Alicante. This location presents both challenges and opportunities, offering the chance to expand the city’s public spaces by integrating them with existing landmarks such as the iconic esplanade. Increasingly, public amenities serve not only as functional spaces but also as hubs for social interaction, civic engagement, and shared goals. As such, the project seeks a distinctive architectural approach that harmonizes with the surrounding environment and fosters synergies among users, the immediate surroundings, and the city of Alicante. The immediate vicinity includes diverse structures such as the maritime polytechnic institute to the west, a large shopping centre, and a recently constructed building in the digital district. Amidst this variety, the new Congress Centre is positioned to complement the port area. Moreover, the Congress Centre will act as a central hub for cultural and intellectual activities, promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange within Alicante’s diverse community. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and flexible event spaces, it is poised to attract international conferences and exhibitions, enhancing Alicante’s reputation as a premier destination for business and academia. This strategic initiative is expected to contribute to the city’s economic growth and solidify its position as a key player in the Mediterranean region’s conference and convention scene.

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