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年份: 2021

学校: Universidad de Chile

课题: Seaweed forest

设计师: Leonardo Quinteros Salazar

指导老师: Leopoldo Prat

基地地址: 智利|瓦尔帕莱索地区金特罗

类别: 文化、混合用途、高科技、生态、水利、基础设施、工业、区域、转型


环境污染是当今全球面临的伟大问题之一,几乎影响了世界各地的所有地区,智利也不例外。智利一直以来都采用了具有破坏性的发展模式,其领土一直受到破坏。在该国,"牺牲区"这个词用于定义那些污染产业集中的地方,这些地方遭受领土劫掠,这是由智利国家允许和建立的,与生态环境破坏和对当地社区健康造成有害影响直接相关。从该国历史性的增长和经济发展过程中,目前在港口环境中开采了 4 个环境牺牲区,它们是 Tocopilla、Huasco、Quinteros-Puchuncavi 和 Coronel。一旦我们理解了智利一直保持的沿海特征以及太平洋场景为我们提供的无限和未开发的可能性,不仅作为我们领土的延伸,而且作为一个景观,以及其作为不可估量的可再生资源来源,包括能源、物理和象征意义上的资源,就变得重要而显著。

金特罗斯湾的未来是不确定的。最初被提出作为一个小镇的进展和增长的承诺,如今已成为一场不可持续的环境冲突。空气污染和海域污染是其影响,破坏了这个地方的生物多样性,造成渔民捕捞资产的大幅减少,引发了该地区的危机,增加了贫困和脆弱性。考虑到以上因素,并考虑到预计热电厂的关闭 "2015 年《巴黎协定》",该项目提出了从环境生物修复的海洋平台的阶段性计划;藻类修复平台“海藻森林”主要围绕三个主要轴线展开。

(A) 第一个和中心轴线是通过培育褐藻 "Macrocystis pyrifera" 来净化海洋,这种褐藻可以吸收重金属,因此可作为海洋生物修复剂。该平台将充当一艘“母船”,漫游着收集、培育、收获和净化生态系统,从而基于这些褐藻生成一种新的经济策略,同时代表着恢复受损的当地自然和身份的可见存在。

(B) 我们提出重新思考工业区,而不改变港湾的生产性特征,因为其战略位置对该地区的经济发展至关重要。通过这种方式,褐藻可以成为一个可以开发多种可能性的新资源,如生物燃料或肥料。

(C) 我们还提出重新生成港湾和海洋之间的关系,由于其浓烈的工业特性,目前没有与当地城市结构整合。构思是创造促进在海滨地区的那些过时工业废料之间的公共活动的空间。

Algae Remediation Platform

Environmental pollution is one of the great global problems of today, affecting practically all regions of the world, and Chile has been no exception, a country that has historically been exposed to damage in its territory due to its extractive development model. "Sacrifice Zone" has been used in the country, to define those places where a large number of contaminating industries are concentrated, places that suffer territorial depredation, permitted and established by the State of Chile, and that are directly related to the devastation of the habitat and the harmful effects on the health of local communities. From the historical process of growth and economic development of the country, 4 Environmental Sacrifice Zones are currently being exploited in port contexts; Tocopilla, Huasco, Quinteros-Puchuncavi and Coronel. This becomes relevant and significant, once we understand the Coastal Character that Chile maintains, throughout its geography, and the infinite and unexplored possibilities that the Pacific Ocean scenario presents us, not only as an extension of our territory, but also as a landscape, and its intense biological activity, as an incalculable source of renewable resources, both energetic, physical and symbolic. The future of Quinteros Bay is uncertain. What was initially presented as the promise of progress and growth for a small town, is today an unsustainable environmental conflict. Affecting in the air pollution and contaminating the maritime area, destabilizing the biodiversity of the place, generating in the fishermen a great reduction of the assets of extraction, causing a crisis in the locality, increasing the poverty and vulnerability. Due to the above, and considering an alleged future closure of the thermoelectric plants (Paris Agreement 2015), the project is proposed as a stage plan from a Maritime Platform of Environmental Bioremediation; The algae remediation platform, “Seaweed Forest”, is structured around three main axes. (A) The first and central one is ocean decontamination by means of the cultivation of the brown Alga (Macrocystis pyrifera), a species that can absorb heavy metals, thus acting as a sea bioremediator. The platform will act as a “mothership” that roams collecting, cultivating, harvesting and decontaminating ecosystems, generating a new economic strategy based on these algae, as well as representing a visible presence of the recovery of the damaged local nature and identity. (B) we propose to rethink the industrial zone, without changing the productive character of the bay, since its strategic position is fundamental for the economic development of the area. In this way, the brown Alga could be a new resource to exploit with multiple possibilities, such as bio-fuel or fertilizer. (C) we also propose to regenerate the bay-sea relationship, which is not currently integrated into the local urban fabric due to its strong industrial nature. The idea is to create spaces that promote public activity between the waste of those obsolete industries in the seaside.


