Interleaved space

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分组:大二作品 作者姓名:庄斐云 学校:西交利物浦大学 指导老师:吴梦茜
作品说明: The work is located in the ancient city of Suzhou, through the research on the characteristics of the surrounding Canglang Pavilion and the reconstruction of famous paintings.The keywords are extracted and interspersed withIn my research, I found that different people interacted with the surrounding environment and water, and interspersed with the original unchanging historical streets, which made the streets come alive, and that there were different shapes of roofs in the historical streets, and such different shapes, their intersections, staggering, and contrasts and collisions between curved roofs and straight roofs formed another kind of interspersed relationship, and the historical imprint of the streets and the interaction with modern people formed another kind of relationship. The interaction between the historical mark of the street and the modern people forms the interplay between the modern and the ancient, and in the paintings I chose, there are obvious elements of interplay