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由路德维希·密斯·凡·德·罗 “Ludwig Mies van der Rohe” 设计的法恩斯沃斯庄园 “Farnsworth House” 建于1945年至1951年之间。这是一间单室周末度假胜地,位于伊利诺伊州普莱诺市以南的乡村环境中。 这座钢制和玻璃制房子是由芝加哥著名的肾脏病学家伊迪丝·法恩斯沃思 “Edith Farnsworth” 委托的,在那里她可以从事自己的爱好-拉小提琴,翻译诗歌和享受大自然。
Designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the Farnsworth House was built between 1945 and 1951. It is a one-room weekend retreat in what then was a rural setting, south of the city of Plano, Illinois. The steel and glass house was commissioned by Edith Farnsworth, a prominent Chicago nephrologist, as a place where she could engage in her hobbies — playing the violin, translating poetry, and enjoying nature.